Los 2890
Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 17 mm, 1.14 g, 6 h), Constantinopolis, March 326. Laureate head of Constantine I to right. Rev. CONSTAN/TINVS / AVG / CONSA in four lines; above, laurel wreath. RIC 13. Very rare. Somewhat rough and with tiny marks and minor breaks in patina on the edge, otherwise, nearly very fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, formed since 1969.

RIC recorded only two dynastic bronzes from Constantinople. In his treatment of the dynastic bronze emissions, Ramskold (Coins and medallions (2011), p. 126-129) included the example for Constantine I (in the KHM, Vienna) and additional examples for the Caesars, Constantine and Constantius. Today, nine examples for Constantine I are known, all from officina A, seven of which are in private hands, five of which in the Ramskold Collection.
25 CHF
260 CHF
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